Porlex Tall II Manuell Kaffekvern

kr 980,00

The Porlex Tall Stainless Steel coffee grinder is a small, a portable & equally affordable solution for a grinder. The body is 100% stainless steel and the fit of the body parts is excellent. The conical burrs are ceramic and are to easy clean. The inner spring mechanism keeps the burrs evenly adjusted even on the coarser grinds.


Produktnummer: 24 Kategorier: ,


Features:  Ceramic conical burr Full adjustment from espresso grind to French Press grind 47mm diameter & 190 mm tall Lifted curved handle is about 150mm long Very quiet static free operation with effortless turning force required to grind Bottom catch cup allows direct dosing Hopper capacity is about 30 grams of coffee and container for ground coffee is 40g.


Vekt 1 kg


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